University of Washington Track & Field Facility

The University of Washington and their developer, Wright Runstad & Co., chose D.A. Hogan & Associates as consulting Landscape Architects and Engineers for the Planning, Design, and Construction Administration of a new UW Track & Field Complex. The University had previously identified an area of former landfill and peat bog with relatively extreme settlement potential as their preferred site. Project team members including Hart Crowser, Inc. (geotechnical engineering), Magnuson Klemencic Associates (civil and structural), and D.A. Hogan collaborated closely on a rigid, structural slab design supported on over 160 piles up to 130’ in depth. Due to the high cost of providing a stable platform upon which to provide for the program, one of the greatest design challenges was assembling all of the running and field event facilities in a safe and operationally efficient manner within the smallest possible footprint, all while meeting IAAF standards.