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Fort Nugent

Fort Nugent

A highly utilized city sports park in the City of Oak Harbor has been expanded to include two “state of the art” sand based football and soccer fields. D.A. Hogan & Associates was the prime consultant for this project that includes two full size football fields that will accommodate fall community football teams as well as soccer uses throughout the calendar year. The project completes the park site improvements with respect to sports fields on a site that includes concession buildings, restrooms, play areas and multiple other soil based natural turf fields.

Approximately 18,000 cy of soil material was moved to level the project area and establish the field subgrade. The fields include subsurface drainage systems, automatic irrigation and vertically-draining sand based natural turf for each of the fields. All project storm drainage detention has been designed to be retained in the field drainage system and sand base materials, resulting in no new detention or treatment facilities despite newly disturbed and cleared areas totaling over 5 acres. All new paved pedestrian and spectator surfaces were installed with porous concrete surfacing to minimize stormwater detention requirements.