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Brigham Young University - Idaho

Brigham Young University - Idaho

D.A. Hogan & Associates was the prime consultant for the sports field renovations at BYU Idaho. The project included work on five areas on campus to improve and expand the playing fields for the University’s Athletics and Activities program. This program is very innovative and includes hundreds of teams putting heavy demands on their facilities. The project included a new sports complex comprised of two multi-purpose synthetic turf fields and two natural turf softball fields. The complex also included parking facilities, lighting systems, and extensive landscaping for wind protection. The geology of the site presented many challenges with slopes and underlying volcanic bedrock within a few feet of the surface. The grading design included terracing of the fields with retaining walls and over 90,000 cubic yards of fill to minimize blasting and excavation of the bedrock. The project also included renovation of the stadium field with a new synthetic turf surface and new rubberized field events. Improvements including new field lighting were made at three other existing natural turf field areas including the baseball field, multi-use soccer fields, and a large multi-use softball and utility field.

The two soccer fields achieved the highest certification possible for synthetic turf playing surfaces from FIFA. They are currently the only two fields in the United States to receive FIFA 2 Star Certification.