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Quil Ceda Stadium at Marysville-Pilchuck High School

Quil Ceda Stadium at Marysville-Pilchuck High School

D.A. Hogan worked directly with Klappenbach Architects and the Marysville School District to design and construct renovations to Quil Ceda Stadium at Marysville-Pilchuk High School. The project included the renovation of the existing football/soccer field with a new infilled synthetic turf surface, re-construction of the running track and field event areas including new rubberized surfacing, and miscellaneous perimeter improvements. Work included re-grading of the field and track area, installation of a new subsurface drainage system for the field and field event areas inside the running track, permeable aggregate base materials, edge anchoring system, and synthetic turf surfacing. The track was reconstructed to include removal of the existing surfacing, pulverization of the existing asphaltic concrete paving for re-use as a base for the new paving, new asphaltic concrete paved track base with surrounding concrete curbs and interior slot drain, and rubberized track and field event surfacing. Considerable coordination with a complex network of existing utilities under and around the stadium grounds was required. The completed project was delivered to the High School Athletic programs in time for Fall Sports.